The other day, I was on my way home from running an errand. I was stopped at the light at Jiles Rd and Old 41. I was staring to my right at the shopping center and started reading the electronic message sign at the Barber Shop. It first read "$10 Tuesday" which made me wonder if that was a deal for barber services. I watched to see what else was advertised and was surprised to read what appeared next. "God First" it said. A completely unexpected message and yet something that was a wonderful reminder. Our day is supposed to start with God - mindful prayer at the beginning of our day to help us remember what is most important and seek guidance for whatever we may encounter.
It also seemed like the perfect answer to many questions. What do I do about an issue in my life? God first. How am I going to get everything knocked off of my To Do list? God first. How do I show love to my neighbor? God first.
I was encouraged by this seemingly random message. If a barber shop can encourage others in the faith, I certainly can. We are supposed to invite God to be part of every aspect of our life and, I assume, that's what the barber shop owner is doing. I am now challenged to be bold, or at least not self conscious, about expressing my love for God every day in my life. How can I do this? God first.
I liked the simple yet true and powerful message your post offered to people.. Nice!