Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Love Is/Not

I have been reading my Bible more lately and the same message seems to be repeating itself to me. Love God. Love others. That sounds so simple, and yet, we all know that real love is not. Real love involves sacrifice. Sacrifice of time, of our desires and wants, our will. It’s giving freely, especially when it’s costly to us. I’ve been trying to wrap my head and heart around this more and more. I find 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 quite helpful and challenging. I think if I can get this down then I’ll be on my way to loving like Jesus.

Love is not…          envious
                                easily angered
                                delighting in evil
Love is…                patient
                                not keeping a record of wrongs
                                rejoicing with the truth
                                always protecting
                                always hoping
                                always trusting
                                always persevering

1 comment:

  1. Scripture and the teachings of man, meaning a lot of things can be brought.
