Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Shout Out

When I started this blog, the purpose was to share what I am learning about and in my relationship with God. The hope was that my experiences would be an encouragement to others as well as a reminder to me.

I know that I am not very good at posting regularly. It definitely seems to be in spurts. After this last void of nearly two weeks I was wondering whether to continue with it as I am not as faithful as I would like to be nor does it seem to be benefiting anyone (for some reason I have decided that the lack of comments equalled the lack of reading, which certainly isn't true. BTB, I realized that my settings didn't allow everyone to comment even if they wanted to so I think I fixed that).

However, shortly after this thought, Adam told me that one of his friends said she was reading it and enjoyed it. Which made me think about the other handful of people who have mentioned that they, too are reading it. So, to those I remember who have let me know they have read it at one point or another, (LB, JKB, NA, MA, JK, KG, QS), thanks! I appreciate the reminder and the encouragement. If I missed your initials, I'm sorry. Thanks for letting me know that this blog is serving a purpose. As always, I welcome comments and feedback (spoken, emailed, posted, whatever).

P.S. - I would encourage you to check out the Stuff Christians Like blog. I thoroughly enjoy its wit and wisdom. The comments posted by others are often just as funny. I would suggest reading this one and/or this one from past posts.

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