Monday, June 22, 2009

S.O.A.P. Day 1

This morning I worked on the applications from yesterday's message. I read Psalms 2-6 as directed by the piece of paper I typed up last week at work. From this first day I can already tell that I am going to have to go back through Psalms when this is over. There were so many standout verses in these five chapters and I was supposed to pick just one?! Perhaps that's Jeff's hidden objective. To get us all interested in studying the book more intensely. And, for those other CCCers who are like me and follow directions, that means either having 3.5 hours of meditating time each day and trying to remember six different scriptures and applications OR just doing one now and coming back later to go slower through the chapters.

Thus, I forced myself to pick just one. It was mainly between Psalm 3:5 and Psalm 5:3 (interestingly enough). I like Psalm 3:5 (I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.) because it reminds me to trust in God to protect me at all times. I have a Life Application Study Bible and really enjoyed the footnote on the verse. It talked about how when you worry about a situation it's really hard to sleep at times. In stressful times, trusting in God's provision and protection will help you to sleep peacefully despite whatever chaos may be occurring in your life. That's not verbatim, but the meat of it. I enjoyed the reminder/encouragement. While, this was great, I ultimately chose the other for today.

Scripture: In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3

Observation: David chooses to start his day in prayer to God. He is confident that God hears him. He is not afraid to ask God. Yet, when he asks, he also waits for an answer. He expects God to do something with his requests.

Application: I have chosen to have quiet times in the morning but I struggle with being consistent when my routine changes (generally the weekends even though I have more time - go figure). Often times, I will pray and then continue on with my day. I do not wait or look for God's responses to my prayers. If I truly believe in the power of prayer, I should be willing to do whatever is needed to pray daily. I should also be expecting an answer and be waiting for it.

Prayer: Father, forgive me for taking prayer lightly and for granted at times. I do know that You are able to do anything. Please help me to be diligent daily in prayer. Remind me to not only ask, but to also wait for and seek Your response. You know that I really struggle with waiting on You. Please help me to grow in this area. Thank you for this pertinent word. You are so good to me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

I don't know if I will be posting these daily, but I thought I'd title it for the possibility of more S.O.A.P. posts.

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