Monday, November 30, 2009

Grace Received

Yesterday at church I was discouraged and annoyed at myself that I really slacked off on quiet time with God during the previous week when we were on vacation. I know that I really struggle with maintaining an established time when my routine changes, but it's not an excuse. Before communion, I was thinking about this and repenting for my lack of discipline. I hate that this happens so often and yet I am not sure how to change it. I know that God would be just fine with a few minutes here and there throughout the day and yet I can't even manage to do that some days. I feel like I am a slave to the first thing in the morning quiet time of prayer and reading. I act like if I can't do that, then I shouldn't do anything.

I was still thinking about this after communion when we were singing a song I hadn't heard before. The lyrics said something about having regrets followed by the chorus of "O how you love me". I so needed the reminder of God's grace and unfailing love at that moment and that's what I got. I was overwhelmed by the truth that God loves me despite my behavior. Nothing I do or fail to do will change how he feels about me! Sometimes I forget my need for grace, but I was quite appreciative of the reminder and the ability to receive it yesterday. Praise God for his endless supply!

Do you ever forget about your need for grace? Have you been blessed by God's faithfulness lately?

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