Thursday, July 2, 2009

S.O.A.P. Day 11

This morning's scripture section was Psalms 52-56.

Scripture: In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me? Psalm 56:4

Observation: David reminds us that we are not to be concerned with the opinion of men, but rather the opinion of God. Our hope and trust is to be in God, not men.

Application: I need to concern myself with being obedient to God, even when that means being unpopular with people. God is faithful and will reward me for my obedience.

Prayer: Lord, please help me to keep my eyes on you and to follow you at all times, even when there's the risk of rejection by others. My hope and trust are in you. You know what is best for me and what will glorify you. Use me, Lord. Amen.

I really liked this verse today because it reminds me of concerns I have about the book I am writing. In it I talk about things that most people have never heard or known. I do sometimes wonder whether others' opinion of me may change, but I have to trust that God can and will use every part of my life. If he can do great things through the sharing of my story, then I want him to do that regardless of what others may think or decide about me. I need to continue to be encouraged by God's word so that I do not give up or give in to fear.

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